Doing the math right
wins the case

Early access to our beta product is only open to a select group of users for free.

Limited time offer. Get notified when we release.

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Financial discovery made easy

As part of our beta testing, we are making the financial discovery tools available to a select group of users. These tools are state-agnostic.

Whether you are taking the first step in the divorce or getting a second opinion on your settlement plan, we can help you get a better grasp of the financials, make informed decisions, and gain leverage in negotiations. In essence, divorce is about preparing you well for the next chapter in life.

A book with some personal properties on top, representing the net worth calculation in a divorce and indicating assets division.

Net Worth Summary

With just a few clicks, Anew can link to your financial accounts and provide: 
- a snapshot of your assets & debts
- a report of your income and expenses with auto-categorization

A house situated in a nice neighborhood, representing the biggest asset in many households.

Home Equity Calculator

We understand home is the biggest asset for many families. Our calculator helps you figure out the net proceeds from a sale or the cash required to buy out your spouse's equity.

Rows of safes and secure storage in a bank, representing Anew's data security measures.

Bank-level Security

We take the same security measures as large banks and financial institutions to encrypt and protect your financial data and personal information.


You have questions. We have answers.

What is Anew?

Anew is a legal tech platform making family law more efficient and affordable for everyday Americans. We provide step-by-step guidance paired with financial analysis, legal filing services and on-demand consultations with vetted experts. We are a pre-launch start-up, meaning our product is not available yet to the general public and only certain features are accessible by our beta users.

What is beta testing?

Beta testing is the process of testing a software product in a real-world environment before its official release. During beta testing, the software is made available to a selected group of users who will test the product and provide feedback on the user experience.

Are you a law firm?

No, we are not. We are a technology company. We use software to facilitate certain parts of the legal process, particularly information-gathering in discovery and certain financial calculations. The information we provide is not legal advice and should not be a substitute for the advice of a licensed professional.

How safe is my personal information?

As safe as how TurboTax, PayPal and large banks protect your data.

Is it free?

For a limited time period, yes! We primarily use beta testing as a way to see how users interact with the product and how we should improve the product before the official release.

Still have questions?

Email us at!