Know your financials, build a strong case

Financial disclosure is the foundation for the entire case and determines your settlement negotiations. Anew helps you get organized and prepared through financial technology platform.

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For less than $10/month

Secure your future, forge a new path
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Get organized, and have all financial accounts in one place

No more scrambling through piles of paperwork. Gather everything on Anew's tech platform and have them ready at your fingertips. At any time, you can take stock of your financial situation and make informed decisions in the divorce.

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Anew's financial disclosure platform

Understand the basic rules of divorce settlement

Don't know where to start when it comes to dividing assets, determining alimony, and settling child support? Anew provides an outline of the legal framework governing divorce settlements, giving you a foundation to build upon.

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Anew's case management dashboard

Play out different scenarios to prepare for settlement

Want to see what happens if you keep the house but give up your share of the retirement accounts? Curious if you could afford the refinance while maintaining the existing lifestyle?  With Anew, you can anticipate how different decisions could impact your post-divorce life through our settlement planning tools.

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Anew's home equity calculator
Dashboard mockup

Optimize your outcome through Financial Discovery Guide

The financial disclosure platform gives you a comprehensive view of your financial landscape - assets, liabilities, income and expenses. But that's just the beginning. When you combine that with our Financial Discovery Guide, you're uncovering hidden assets, spotting discrepancies, and arming yourself with the knowledge and strategies you need to fight for what's rightfully yours.

Together, these tools create a powerful synergy that can help you navigate the complexities of divorce negotiations with confidence and clarity. You'll be better equipped to advocate for your fair share and secure the financial future you deserve.