Make sure you know exactly what's on the table, and don't settle for anything less than what you're owed. Dig deep, turn every stone and optimize your outcome.
On average, a thorough financial discovery can cost $25,000. It's what drives up costs in a divorce the most. Financial discovery should not be a luxury, only affordable through expensive attorneys and forensic accountants. It shouldn't cost so much just to get clarity. Anew is leveling the playing field with our technology and discovery guide, so you can get the financial transparency you deserve.
If your spouse makes false or exaggerated claims about your financial resources or assets, financial discovery provides you with the evidence and documentation needed to refute these claims and defend your assets.
Financial discovery helps protect you against financial exploitation by ensuring transparency and accountability in the asset division. It prevents the more-monied spouse from taking advantage of their superior financial resources to manipulate the proceedings in their favor.
Extensive financial discovery can create pressure on the other party to settle, especially if they perceive the process as burdensome, time-consuming, or costly. The prospect of continued scrutiny of their financial affairs may motivate them to consider settlement as a means of resolving the case more expeditiously.
Anew's Financial Discovery Guide comprises various tactics, worksheets and examples to help you navigate the discovery process.
Understanding the process is the first step towards mastering it. In a matrimonial case, the rules of the game is less about the law, but more about doing the math to bend the opposing side's reality and influence the court's judgement.
Facts are the cornerstone of any legal case because they form the basis upon which legal arguments are built and decisions are made. We will walk you through the framework of gathering facts and evidence for your case.
Such is human nature to have a drive for self-preservation and security. That’s the reason why many people hide assets and income in their marriage. However, in a divorce, all marital assets and income are up for distribution. No matter how much your spouse may have hidden, we will help you uncover the truth and secure your financial future.
When you engage in the financial discovery process, it’s almost 100% certain that discovery disputes will come up and that would take a majority of time in court. We will help you recognize the tricks they play and master the tactics to save time and money.
There's nothing quite as liberating as expressing your voice during legal proceedings. This marks the pinnacle of regaining your power. You will learn strategies to leave a lasting impact with your arguments and sway others to your perspective.