Know what's at stake financially
As part of the beta testing, we are making our financial disclosure tools available to a select group of users. These tools are state-agnostic and can be used for both prenups and divorces' financial disclosure. Additionally, all beta users will get a free Clarity session to go over their results.
Net Worth Summary
With just a few clicks, Anew can link to your financial accounts and provide:
- a snapshot of your assets & debts
- how much equity you have in your house and play out the "what if" scenarios
Lifestyle Analysis
An income & expense report based on the historical data of the last 24 months to help you determine the standard of living in the marriage. This is key in determining the need and amount of alimony and child support.
Bank-level Security
We take the same security measures as large banks and financial institutions to encrypt and protect your financial data and personal information.